Why you like to make miniature food or other kind of food?
Because of a book, the first play food that i make was a felt bento set, which i learned from a book that i managed to get at very cheap price. I'm having lots of fun when i making the bento set, from there, i began to noticed anything that related to play food.
I discovered it when i visited my local bookstore and i found a book that is teach people how to make miniature, from that moment , i know i falling in love with miniature.
What kind of person you think you are?
i think i am kind and sweet. I do not know how to communicate with people very well. The first impression is cool and quiet, but i think i am kind, friendly and funny!
What is your ambition?
I wish my craft and hobbies no longer wasting money but gaining recognize from other craft lover around the world. i wish everyone love and appreciate my work.
How do you feel at this moment?
I felt blessing, i very happy that i have a hobby which i love it so much. I felt i am not lonely anymore because i met a lots of talented and great friends around the world.